
Getting Even: Gender, Genre, and the Revenge Plot in Early Modern Drama and Contemporary Film, manuscript in preparation.

Much Ado About Nothing (new introduction), under contract with Oxford University Press, Oxford World’s Classics Shakespeare, gen. ed. Emma Smith.

Academic Articles

“Rhodes’s ‘Fair Example:’ Tyranny, Race, and the Orient in The Maid’s Tragedy,” forthcoming, English Literary Renaissance.

“Genealogy of an Insult: The Hyrcanian Tiger,” forthcoming, The Seventeenth Century special issue “The Uses and Abuses of Civility” (2024).

‘On Latmos’s Top:’ Cynthia’s Sexuality in The Maid’s Tragedy,” Notes & Queries 71, vol. 1 (2024), 76-80.

Taking Shakespeare in Stride: Lady Macbeth at the American Repertory Theater,” Shakespeare 20.2 special issue “Shakespeare in Action” (2024), 281-300.

“Epicene: Female Revenge in the Husband-Taming Comedy,” Shakespeare Studies 51 (2023), 119-24.

The Sexual Politics of Paratexts: John Day’s Gorboduc,” Review of English Studies 74, vol. 314 (2023), 222-36.

Ralph Ellison’s Macbeth,” Notes & Queries 70, vol. 2 (2023), 120-3.

Looking for Perdita in Ali Smith’s Summer,” Shakespeare Survey 75 (2022), 229-39.

Illuminated and Unsettled: Literary Forms and Cultural Power, Medieval to Early Modern, a Houghton Library Pop-up Exhibition in Honor of James Simpson,” Harvard Library Bulletin (2022). 

A Missed Shakespeare-Ariosto Connection,” Notes & Queries 68, vol. 1 (2021), 127-9.

 “Resistance and Reconciliation in Roundabout’s ‘Feminist Update’ to Kiss Me, Kate,” Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation 13 (2021).

The Winter’s Tale and Revenge Tragedy,” Shakespeare Studies 47 (2019), 233–60.

Whitney White and Charlie Thurston in Macbeth in Stride (image credit: Lauren Miller for the A.R.T.)